© Copyright R.L. Wagner III 1991
All Rights Reserved


To be or not to be, for Wichita Kansas that is the question
The thought of which has always caused much worry or indigestion.
Whether to form a commercial triangle with Tulsa and Oklahoma City
Or be part of a square comprising only Wichita that's itty bitty
And to take what they choose to give us from Kansas City
Swearing the 'KANSAS OATH OF HUMILITY' to those who are sitting pretty.
Whether to build a Turnpike to Tulsa and cut the driving
And run rail passenger service from Newton to Dallas on the Wichita line.
Or to depend on our neighbors to the northeast of us on the Missouri River
To furnish the same boats and commerce that the Arkansas could deliver.
Whether to create cheap flights on which you could get to Oak City by night
Or depend on the Air Capital of the world's high priced flights
Exposing the poor air passenger system many Wichitans would like to hide
That caused the W.S.U.'s football teams crash into a Colorado mountain side.
Or whether to make unusual city liquor laws in order to avoid a local bar room brawl
Only to end with the biggest fight in our own city hall.
And to juggle the city social climate so it's easy to put others down
Only to see the future Mrs. Frank Sinatra was born in the"wrong part of town".
Or to model our laws to those cities that are out of state
Creating a socioeconomic climate which could make us really great.
Yes, that's the question, to take what we can from those who laugh at us
Or to join together with the two cities to the south who feel sorry for us.
But now at least I know why "THE WIZARD OF OZ" created such a fuss
When Dorothy asked the immortal question "How can I get back to Kansas?"
Because it would be shocking for much of the outside world to know
That the only way some people could get to Wichita without a car is by tornado.
But if they do get to Wichita and decide to go to the Downtown
Not too many open bussiness will be there to be found
Except maybe an open market open only 2 days a week by Union Station
Deciding "to be or not to be"the rest of the week, yes that's the Wichita situation.

R. L. Wagner III

Image of actual copyright to Wichita poem.

This is a notarized copyright showing R.L. Wagner created the poem on this date.

Will appreciate anyone's efforts to find how many of the things that
happened in the Wichita poem happened before the date of this copyright.

Did I create, prophisize, or copy?


When pronouncing Wichita some people feel the W should sound like a B
And considering the number of abortions Dr.Tiller did here it's not hard to see
Why many women from this city chose to let this "Dr." have a "baby Auschwitz" here
Where a at any time and for any reason abortion clinic would have nothing to fear.
But unfortunately he got killed while in a church that chose not to excommunicate
For being abusive (I Corthians 5:11)as those whoe read Greek can clearly state.
And another Wichita woman who chose to give her love to the wrong man
Was Mrs.Dennis Rader wife of the Wichita B.T.K. killer, 10 murders over a 17 year span.
And speaking of crime and growth if you want see what Old Town has now become
When you go there look out for gangs, muggers or people carrying a knife or gun
And to make things worse, Boeing (the highpayer), recently moved out of the city
So with no auto plants, once again the Wichita situation doesn't look so pretty.

R.L.Wagner III

NOTE:To be fair to women and children I believe in cases of rape or incest or where the health or
the life of the woman is at risk or a baby might not be born healthy abortion could be permitted.