Prayer is the seeking of or making talk and requests to God.
It is lifting up and pouring out the heart and soul to God.

We should pray since it is commanded, to avoid any temptation, and to make us wise
And for our needs so we can be filled with God's nature and see him with our eyes.

People are to pray without ceasing, for forgiveness of sin, for food, and when they eat
And in every worship ………………………………………………………………….

For strength and safety, so that Christ's love will be something they might understand
And so they will be healed…………………………………………………………

We are also to pray for mercy and grace so our faith won't fail but will last
And so God might …………………………………………………………..

People are to pray when they are in secret or in their own house
Anywhere believers are…………………………………………….

When men pray in public they are commanded that their head be uncovered.
When women pray in public……………………………………………..

A person can pray as when they knee or fall on their face, or stand
And sometimes while…………………………………………………

People are to pray not using vain but in a tongue that is clearly known
Making sure their thankfulness,……………………………………….

Prayer requests am usually denied to enemies of saintly sisters or brothers
And to those who are blood shedders,…………………………………….

Prayer requests am denied also by those who are deaf to the poor
But they can be expected…………………………………………..,

Prayer requests are also denied to the hypocritical or self righteous
But can be expected by…………………………………………….

Prayer is answered where two or more agree on what they pray about
Keep God's commandments,………………………………………………

Others who can expect answers are those who ask in the name of Christ
And who are under affliction,…………………………………………..

There are rewards for prayer and there is punishment for it's neglect
But prayer is granted in God’s…………………………………………….

However, there is one final truth about prayer that will last forever
It says that 'A Family that Prays Together Will Stay Together. "

R. L. Wagner III